Health Care Employees Pension Fund
Let Us Walk You through the Process
Planning for your retirement can be complicated, so we’ve created this guide to walk you through the process. You’ll find answers to common questions about pension benefits, a timeline and a step-by-step guide to retirement, as well as information about other important retiree benefits, like supplemental health coverage.
Your Virtual Pension Counselor
Pension Counselors
We also encourage you and your spouse to schedule an appointment with one of our Pension Counselors. Our pension experts will explain your benefits and help you understand all your options so that you can make the choices that are right for you. Call us at (646) 473-8666.
For a full description of your Pension Plan, check your Summary Plan Description.
Upcoming Events
Pension Benefit Information Session: NBF Pre-Retiree Pension & Health Benefits
Thursday, March 13, at 12:00 pm
It’s never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Learn about the benefits available to you as a retiree, how to apply for your pension, and if you are eligible to receive retiree health coverage.
Please note there will be two half-hour daytime sessions. Choose the one that works best for you and sign up today!When registering, please type the 10-digit Member ID number from your Health Benefits ID card in the field marked “phone number”—not your phone number—so we can send you your individual Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in advance of the webinar. If you are interested in learning more about your pension benefit and how to apply for it online, visit our Pension and Retirement page and sign up for My Account.
Pension Benefit Information Session: NBF Pre-Retiree Pension & Health Benefits
Thursday, March 27, at 1:00 pm
It’s never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Learn about the benefits available to you as a retiree, how to apply for your pension, and if you are eligible to receive retiree health coverage.
Pension Benefit Information Session: NBF Pre-Retiree Pension & Health Benefits
Wednesday, April 9, at 6:00 pm
It’s never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Learn about the benefits available to you as a retiree, how to apply for your pension, and if you are eligible to receive retiree health coverage.
Please note there will be two half-hour daytime sessions. Choose the one that works best for you and sign up today!Registration
Times: Noon to 12:30 pm; 1:00 pm to 1:30 pmWhen registering, please type the 10-digit Member ID number from your Health Benefits ID card in the field marked “phone number”—not your phone number—so we can send you your individual Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in advance of the webinar. If you are interested in learning more about your pension benefit and how to apply for it online, visit our Pension and Retirement page and sign up for My Account.
Pension Benefit Information Session: NBF Pre-Retiree Pension & Health Benefits
Thursday, April 17, at 12:00 pm
It’s never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Learn about the benefits available to you as a retiree, how to apply for your pension, and if you are eligible to receive retiree health coverage.
Please note there will be two half-hour daytime sessions. Choose the one that works best for you and sign up today!When registering, please type the 10-digit Member ID number from your Health Benefits ID card in the field marked “phone number”—not your phone number—so we can send you your individual Explanation of Benefits (EOB) in advance of the webinar. If you are interested in learning more about your pension benefit and how to apply for it online, visit our Pension and Retirement page and sign up for My Account.
Pension Benefit Information Session: NBF Pre-Retiree Pension & Health Benefits
Wednesday, April 23, at 1:00 pm
It’s never too early to start preparing for your retirement. Learn about the benefits available to you as a retiree, how to apply for your pension, and if you are eligible to receive retiree health coverage.