Go Back to School with Support in Maryland/DC
The 1199SEIU Training and Upgrading Fund (TUF) of the Maryland/DC region is a collectively bargained joint labor-management fund that provides educational and job training programs to eligible members. TUF provides a safe space for you to meet your educational goals. If you are employed at a participating facility and maintain employment at the facility for one year, you are eligible for tuition assistance and continuing education benefits.
Get academic and career advice from industry professionals!
A lot of people don’t have help when they’re trying to take a step forward and better themselves. It’s hard when you’re doing it alone. I had the benefit of the Training Fund, family, and friends to help me.
Member Support
The Training Fund is here to help you get the skills you need to succeed. If you’re ready to go back to school or take a training course, we’ll help you get started.

Academic Support
Academic Skills Prep Classes are free courses that help 1199SEIU members build an academic foundation and take the next step in their education or career. Classes include College Preparation, Computer Skills and High School Completion.

Continuing Education
You may be eligible to receive reimbursement for continuing education programs. Financial support is available for seminars, conferences and workshops related to healthcare or your job.

College Preparatory Program
College Prep will prepare you to successfully perform college-level work.

Supported Entry to College
The Health Careers College Core Curriculum (HC4) Program is a supported program for adult learners with little or no experience in higher education. Take core prerequisite courses required to complete your degree.

Citizenship Program
The 1199SEIU Citizenship Program helps you with the immigration and naturalization process to become a US citizen.

Nursing Degree Programs
The Training Funds provide financial assistance case management, academic advisement, and support for 1199SEIU members enrolled in nursing programs.

Learning Centers
Learning Centers offer you educational support, tutoring services, workshops and access to a variety of academic resources if you are enrolled in TEF programs.

English for Speakers of Other Languages
The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program helps you improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Registered Apprenticeship Program
Registered apprenticeship is an earn-while-you-learn industry specific training model that includes on-the-job and classroom training, financial rewards for skill gains, and results in a national occupational credential upon completion.

Financial Support
Depending on what school you attend and your course of study, you may be eligible for financial assistance for an undergraduate or graduate degree.

Skills Enhancement Program
You can choose from a wide variety of courses to improve language, computer skills or learn new abilities to prepare for career growth.

Training for Personal Care Attendants
The Fund offers classes designed specifically to help Personal Care Attendants like you gain valuable skills that can be used to improve care and job satisfaction.